Charlie, BSV Volunteer since 2011
Working with the kids is the best part - their curiosity, enthusiasm, creativity. There are those special moments when they ``get it`` and are so happy. Then there are the moments when I figure out how to work with a particular kid who might have been hard to reach, and I feel really good about myself. The best times are just two people sharing a moment. And when you are appreciated by a kid - you know it is the real thing.”
Kim Beeson, 1st Grade Teacher, Rosa Parks Elementary
Marion offers a whole different range of skills. She usually connects with a few kids and works with them, bringing out their creativity. She is an astute observer and has great insight into the kids’ personalities, needs and wants. She often spots subtleties that I miss.
Janice, BSV Volunteer since 2006
To see a child ``get`` something is one of the most exciting moments in anyone's life.
I learn a lot tutoring - about the mind - about discovery - about myself...I learn to observe and to treat a mistake as the gift it really is…Investing in children always pays off.
Hilary Mitchell, 3rd Grade Teacher, Washington Elementary
Bob is so consistent and invested in the kids. He has a connection with all of them and they readily call him over during math centers for help. When he leaves, they all call, “Bye Bob!” and he’s off to the next class. He’s very flexible and rolls with whatever we have going on. If there is a sudden change in the schedule or even when we go on a field trip, Bob will volunteer to come along. He is a true part of my classroom community and a person I have come to rely on.
Barbara, BSV Volunteer since 2009
I believe a good public school system is the foundation of our democracy and that people my age - retired and with time on their hands - should do everything possible to support public schools. (Besides, I love children!)
Geeta Makhija, Math Intervention Teacher, King Middle School
When Mrs. Okamura is in the class, I can put students into groups and we both can be giving targeted instruction to small groups. She helps focus students, checks in with individuals, and supports students one-on-one. She creates relationships with students, getting to know them, asking about their lives, and motivating them to do well. She is always there with a pencil, calculator, paper or a kind word for all students…Every year students express their gratitude for having her in the class. I don’t know what we would do without her.
Janice, BSV Volunteer since 2006
It’s so great observing good teachers at Jefferson - how they teach - how they respond - how incredibly hard they work. Anything I can do to help seems so well deserved – the teachers want only the best for these kids and it's inspiring to see.
Jenny Weddle, 5th grade Teacher, Emerson Elementary
Mr. Mike makes math work for my students. He patiently and skillfully gives support to those who need extra help with their math homework, and my students are more confident, prepared, and competent in math because of him. The fifth graders and I are always delighted and relieved to see Mr. Mike each day, and he has become a significant part of our school community.
Donna, BSV Volunteer since 2018
I volunteer so I can stay connected to the heart of my neighborhood. I'm not a parent at the school, but I love being on the middle school campus and working one-on-one as a reading coach. This past year I read right along with my student, both of us learning about new worlds and new perspectives as we navigated poetry, nonfiction, classics and more. Volunteering is a way to stay in touch with kids now that my son is grown.
Tocosa, BSV Volunteer since 2016
I am able to observe the positive impact my engagement with children has and the positive impact and influence they (and the teacher) have on me. It is a great living experience of the cycle of giving and receiving. I give some of my good and receive from their good in return.
Charlie, BSV Volunteer since 2011
My work as a volunteer is about 180 degrees from what I did in my business career. Every minute can bring a new challenge, particularly in kindergarten. You never know what situations may come up. I was good at the corporate job I had for 35 years, but I find working in the classroom has greater personal meaning and is more satisfying. It's a chance for a second career and do it right this time. I look forward to every single day I am in the classroom.
BSV Volunteer since 2018
I feel teachers are under appreciated, overworked and underpaid, so I just want to be of help to them in any way they like.
Elizabeth, BSV Volunteer since 2018
It’s been incredibly rewarding to see how much progress students have made…I’ve seen students become much more confident readers.
Elizabeth, BSV Volunteer since 2018
Volunteering has been really helpful for me from a professional development perspective: I went to grad school for social psychology, so I’m a big supporter of socio-emotional learning. It’s been really valuable for me to see how teachers are using concepts from research, like fostering kindness and promoting growth mindsets, in their classrooms.